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Western Red Cedar
(Thuja plicata)


-naturally durable

-straight grain




-can corrode metals


Wood Type: Temperate softwood Sources: North America and Europe

Cost: The supply of good western red cedar is gradually diminishing,and therefore it is rising in price.

Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) otherwise known as giant arborvitae, canoe cedar, shinglewood, giant cedar. This wood is red-brown in color but sometimes pink with contrasting white sapwood. It ages to a silver-gray color that needs no finishing for outdoor use. The bark can be used for making rope. Because of its fragrance, it is often confused with aromatic cedar.

Western red cedar is weak in strength and does not bend well. Being that this is one of the most decay resistant species in America, its a popular choice in home and marine construction. Its tendency to split makes it perfect for shingles and shakes. It is also used in the construction of siding,caskets, boat building, porch columns, sheds, outdoor signs, fencing and decking.

There is some concern that the best western red cedar is running out and that the species does not regenerate readily. However, certified western red cedar is available.