-uniform texture -can be brittle and splinter
-distinctive patterning -knots can be a problem
-relatively strong
-can be brittle and splinter
-knots can be a problem
WoodType: Temperate softwood
Sources: British Columbia down to the western coast of the United States to Mexico
Cost: Moderate
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) otherwise known as Oregon pine. Named for David Douglas, the Scottish botanist who discovered it. This wood is pale yellowy beige contrasting with brighter reddish orange latewood lines. It is not really a fir and its name derives from its similarities to hemlock.
Douglas fir is surprisingly strong,especially lumber from the Pacific coast regions. However,cutters have to be sharp and there is a risk of splintering. It is used primarily for construction lumber. It is the world's most important source for plywood.
While Douglas fir is not listed for endangerment it is available through certified suppliers. |